"Being a Humanist means trying to behave decently without
expectation of rewards or punishment after you are dead."
Kurt Vonnegut (1922–2007)
Who We Are
Milton Keynes Humanists is a non-prophet organisation. We aim to:
  •     provide a means for free-thinking individuals in the Milton Keynes area to meet and have a forum for the discussion of humanist values, principles and concerns; and
  •     campaign for respect for those who seek to live ethical and responsible lives without religious or superstitious beliefs.
We are partnered with Humanists UK (formerly the British Humanist Association) and share their ambition of a tolerant world where rational thinking and kindness prevail.

 What We Do

We organise regular meetings where we socialise and discuss topical issues; we also have a Book Group, and an active internet community on Facebook.

 Facebook Livestream

We normally hold 12 meetings a year — 10 to discuss topical issues, and two social (in August & December). For information about our programme for 2024 see Programme Page.

The meeting shown  here was on Poetry -- 'Rhyme & Reason'...
A recent Programme included such topics as: ‘Artificial Intelligence’, ‘Civil Disobedience’, and ‘What’s Wrong with Democracy?’ as well as on ‘Inheritance’ and ‘How to be a Good Person without Annoying Everyone’; and we included sessions on ‘Vegan, Vegie or Omnivore?’ and ‘Awe & Spirituality’.
We post a lot of material on Facebook, so if you want to keep abreast of the various Humanist debates/dialogues that are going on do visit our site and ‘like’ us (if you do) — or post a comment it you don’t!

Follow Us

Where We Meet

For many years we held our public meetings on the 2nd Thursday of the month at: York House (London Road, Stony Stratford, MK11 1JQ). 

During the Covid lockdown we switched to meeting on Zoom, and then, after the lockdown, we organised 'Room & Zoom' meetings. However, in 2024 we have switched back to Zoom, as a number of our members either can't or or not able to attend in person.

To find out more about our Group and or our meetup, contact the Chair.

What We Believe

Humanists believe that Man created God, and not the other way around — as Richard Dawkins has observed: "We are all atheists about most of the Gods humanity has ever believed in, some of us just go one God further".

This short video, narrated by Stephen Fry, talks about how humanists think about happiness.

You can find other videos in the series on our videos page.
Be in Good Company
Many famous people don't or didn't believe in a god and put their faith instead in humanity. Here’s a small selection:

Top Row: Angelina Jolie; Albert Einstein; Ayaan Hirsi Ali; Tim Minchin; Stephen Fry;

Middle Row: David Attenborough; Helen Mirren; Charles Darwin; Polly Toynbee; Christopher Hitchens;

Bottom Row: AC Grayling; Richard Branson; Claire Rayner; Richard Dawkins; Sigmund Freud.

If you would like to find out more about Humanism (and the page on Humanism doesn't go far enough) please contact us using the links on this site, or come along to one of our meetings (which are open to anyone who has a open mind).
Like to Join Us?

If you'd like to become a member of Milton Keynes Humanists, you can find details on our Application Form. Thank you!

Disclaimer & Corrections

The information contained on this site is for informational and educational purposes only. We have done our best to see that it is accurate. However, we are not responsible for any errors that may have crept in, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. If you think there's an error in any aspect of our work please let us know. We will endeavour to make any necessary corrections as quickly as possible.
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